Our first bike race

One of Ben's next goals after the Marathon, was to do a CENTURY on a bike. 100 Miles. So, we started riding. Almost every day. To work and back. To Kaysville and back. To Provo. Up and down the Jordan River Parkway trail. Everywhere. Riding the bike was fun for me and it was so enjoyable to ride a couple hours and see that we had rode through 4 cities! crazy cool. I can run for a couple hours and still be in Salt Lake. Progress on a bike is much more enjoyable for me. Plus when I stop pedaling... I am still going. Which is the most awesome feeling in the world. 

So we signed up for the Tour de Cure and raised almost $1000 together to ride in honor of many of my cousins and our dear friend's daughter. 

We convinced our awesome friend, Jordan, to join us and he was a rock star. I may or may not have (definitely) forced him into riding with me and going a lot further than he was planning on going. He nailed it and was a great partner on the road for sure!

This is Ben's official "I've gone 103 miles" moment. What an amazing guy!

A couple weeks before the race, the weather got pretty bad so our training slowed down quite a bit. So I didn't feel I could do the full 100, but was going to go for 75! Until I got off the course for a bit and so when I rode into the finish line, I actually ended up going 83 miles! I should have doubled back and done the last 17... just kidding. 83 was plenty for the day.

Our parents came to cheer us on, it was awesome!

I love that Ben has these fun ideas for adventures and that we can do them together. Riding alongside him is the best.

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