We are the world

When this music video first came out in 1985, I remember it clearly. I remember sitting in my living room and watching my dad cry (whenever this happens it creates a marker in my brain of a defining moment in my life) as he and my mother listened to this amazing collaboration of artists come together to help Africa. I also remember that was the moment that I decided I wanted to be Cyndi Lauper when I grew up. Since then I have been a complete sucker for this song. When I break out singing this song randomly It comes out silly but here is the secret: I get weighed down with thinking about larger problems of the world and my own city like education and the homeless and I feel if I had a large world wide microphone to speak to the world and I have thought what I would say and I would only sing this song so I randomly break out singing this song. And though it may seems silly, it is in all seriousness the message I need to scream at myself and the world. This probably seems completely ridiculous, but this is me. These are things I think about. This a clip of the video. I own the original documentary. I honestly cry every time I watch it, just thinking about it gets me choked up. I am not ashamed, because I know my entire family does the same thing... I love my family.

They re made this video this year for Haiti. I have been reading people getting mad about the remake of this video, how we shouldn't remake a classic and junk. I understand that you can't repeat what the first did, but it isn't about that. We have reached a new generation. People don't know "We are the World." They are more familiar with "Billy Jean" from Michael Jackson. Yet we have reached another world crisis and this message needs to be sung again. And with the artists of today. I saw it for the first time about 5 minutes, and well lets be honest cried like a baby. And felt so moved. I don't care what people say about it, the message is the same.
We are OUR world, we are the ones who change. We are the ones who make the days brighter and our world family come together to help our brothers and sisters around the world. If that is too much to think about then change the way you treat your neighbors, your friends, and how you participate in your own community.
The video is on Hulu right now, but go to itunes and buy it and donate to Haiti relief.

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